Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Texting While Driving

How far will you travel in the time it takes to text "LOL" to a friend?

Our scenario involved a driver traveling 60 mph (1.6 mps).

60 Miles        1 Hour          1 Minute
________ X ________  X ________

1 Hour         60 Minutes    60 Seconds

     60 Miles                  60 Miles
_____________  =  ____________  =  1.6 mps

(60)(60) Seconds      3600 Secomds

Initial Data: We took six trials of five different people, observing how many seconds on average it                         took them to type out and send "LOL".

Total Average Texting Time : 1.17 Seconds
Velocity: 1.6 mps

To find the travel distance, we calculated the change in x.

x = vt + xo                                  
x = (1.6 mps) (1.17 s) + xo                                                * xo = The initial position of the
x = 1.87 + xo                                                                                  object at t = 0
x = 1.87 + 0

x = 1.87 miles.

So, you would travel 1.87 miles in the time that it takes to text "lol"... which is a really long time to take your eyes away from the road!
Don't text and drive!

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